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2019年11月12日 16:11  点击:[]


姓名:赵仕芳  博士,省领军型人才、绍兴“海内外英才计划”A类人才              

职称职务:副研究员  康复医学系教师




Advanced ScienceBiomaterialsNanoscaleACS Appl Mater InterfacesJournal of Materials Chemistry 等国际著名期刊发表学术论文20 多篇(总影响因子>60),授权专利一项。  

1. S. Zhao, W. Fan, X. Guo, L. Xue, B. Berninger, M.J. Salierno, A. del Campo, Microenvironments to study migration and somal translocation in cortical neurons, Biomaterials, 156:238-247, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2017.11.042 (IF-影响因子=8.4)  

2. Shifang Zhao, Qihui Zhou, and Yanzhong Zhang*, et al., Nanofibrous patterns by direct electrospinning of nanofibers onto topographically structured non-conductive substrates. Nanoscale, 2013. 5(11): p. 4993-5000. (IF=7.4)  

3. Shrikrishnan Sankaran, Shifang Zhao, Christina Muth, Julieta Paez, Rebecca Ludwig, Aránzazu del Campo Bécares. Toward Light-Regulated Living Biomaterials. Advanced Science 2018: 1800383, co-first author. IF=12.4  

4. J. Feng, X.A. Ton, S. Zhao, J.I. Paez, A. del Campo, Mechanically Reinforced Catechol-Containing Hydrogels with Improved Tissue Gluing Performance. Biomimetics, 2017, 2(4), 23; doi:10.3390/biomimetics2040023  

5. A, Farrukh, W. Fan, S. Zhao, M. Salierno, J.I. Paez, A. del Campo, M.J. Salierno, Photoactivatable Adhesive Ligands for Light-guided Neuronal Growth, ChemBioChem, 2018, 19, (12), 1271-1279 (IF=3.1) 封面文章  

6. A. Farrukh, S. Zhao, A. del Campo, Biomaterials designed to support growth and function of neuronal cells. Biomaterials for Neuronal Regeneration 2018, 5, (62). (IF=2.1)  

7. A. Farrukh, S. Zhao, J. I. Paez, A. Kavyanifar, M. Salierno, A. Cavalié and A. del Campo, In Situ, Light-Guided Axon Growth on Biomaterials via Photoactivatable Laminin Peptidomimetic IK(HANBP)VAV . ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2018, 10, (48), 41129-41137 (IF=8.1)  

8. Huihua Yuan, Shifang Zhao, Hongbin Tu, Biyun Li, Qin Li, Bei Feng, Hongju Peng, Yanzhong Zhang*. Stable jet electrospinning for easy fabrication of aligned fibers, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012 (22), 19634. (IF=6.6)  

9. Zheng R, Duan H, Xue J, Liu Y, Feng B, Zhao S, et al. The influence of Gelatin/PCL ratio and 3-D construct shape of electrospun membranes on cartilage regeneration. Biomaterials. 2014;35:152-64. (IF=8.4)  

10. Zhou Q, Bao M, Yuan H, Zhao S, Dong W, Zhang Y. Implication of stable jet length in electrospinning for collecting well-aligned ultrafine PLLA fibers. Polymer. 2013. (IF=3.7)  

11. Zhao Shifang, Yuan Huihua, Zhang Yanzhong*. Progress in Electrospun 3D Macroporous Nanofibrous Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2012. 31(1): p. 129-140.  


A novel method to the fabrication of architecture-controllable electrospun mats by using non-conductive templates as the collectors. China Patent number 201210197217.7 Zhang Yanzhong, Zhao Shifang, Zhou Qi-hui ,Yuan Huihua. (2012)  


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