

2022年05月16日 10:27  点击:[]

姓名:陈祖跃 博士

职称职务 讲师,医学影像系副主任、专任教师

研究方向 脑疾病转化医学研究

主讲课程 《医学图像处理》  



2.芬兰科学院-中国国家自然科学基金委国际合作项目(#13273147):Learning and memory and the involvement of the fronto-striatal network, 2014.01.01-2016.12.31,45万欧元,参与  

3.芬兰科学院-中国科学院国际合作项目(#259752):Functional dissociation between memory and attention in prefrontal cortex of people and monkeys,2009.01.01-2012.12.31,35万欧元,参与  


1.Chen Z, Wei H, Sagalajev B, Koivisto A, Pertovaara A*.  Amygdaloid Administration of Tetrapentylammonium Attenuates Development of Pain and Anxiety-like Behavior Following Peripheral Nerve Injury. Pharmacological Reports. 2019 Feb, 71(1):54-60.  

2.Sagalajev B#, Wei H#, Chen Z#, Albayrak I, Koivisto AP, Pertovaara A.  Oxidative Stress in the Amygdala Contributes to Neuropathic Pain. Neuroscience. 2018 Sep, 387:92-103.  

3.Chen Z#, Wei H#, Pertovaara A, Wang J, Carlson S. Anxiety- and Activity-related Effects of Paracetamol on Healthy and Neuropathic Rats. Pharmacology Research & Persepectives. 2018 Feb, 6(1).  

4.Chen Z*, Parkkonen L, Wei J, Dong J, Ma Y, Carlson S. Prepulse Inhibition of Auditory Cortical Responses in the Caudolateral Superior Temporal Gyrus in Macaca mulatta Neuroscience Bulletin. 2018 Apr, 34(2):291-302.  

5.Chen Z, Hu Y, Zhang Y, Jiang H, Hu X. A New Method to Explore the Modulation from the Saccadic System on the Pupillary Light Reflex System. Zoological Research. 2010 Jun; 31(3):287-291.  

# 共同第一作者,* 通讯作者)


1.孟志强,陈祖跃,鲍宇. 一种动物条件化位置偏好实验装置.实用新型. 专利号:ZL 2020 2 1190799.2 授权日期:2021年01月01日  

2.孟志强,鲍宇,陈祖跃. 一种测量动物步态特征的实验装置.实用新型. 专利号:ZL 2020 2 1184342.2 授权日期:2021年01月29日


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